TMS for Depression: How Long Do the Results Last?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive magnetic therapy used to treat depression. This technique applies the use of magnetic pulses delivered repeatedly from magnetic fields to influence the stimulation of neuronal cells in the brain. The United States Food and [...]
What Is High-Functioning Depression?
Some people suffering from high-functioning depression are diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder (PDD). Most mental illnesses impair a person’s ability to function, though people with PDD can perform well academically, [...]
TMS Therapy in Oakland Park, Florida
TMS Therapy in Oakland Park, Florida Utilizing gentle magnetic pulses, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers a non-invasive and FDA-approved method to stimulate specific brain regions. Over the past thirty years, TMS has enhanced the lives [...]
What is a TMS Dip and How Long Does It Last?
Millions of people throughout the world experience depression on a daily basis. From the inability to get out of bed in the morning to overeating throughout the day to cancelling plans with others, [...]
TMS Therapy in Hollywood, Florida
TMS Therapy in Hollywood, Florida Utilizing gentle magnetic pulses, our transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in Hollywood, Florida, offers a non-invasive and FDA-approved method to stimulate specific brain regions. Over the past thirty years, TMS [...]
What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?
In the United States, depression stands as the primary cause of disability among individuals aged 15 to 44. While various treatments exist for depression, including antidepressants and psychotherapy, these initial methods may not yield the [...]